Sri Vamana Dvadashi – Appearance of Lord Vamanadeva
Vana Madhuryam
Experience Pinnacle of Pure Devotion
hare krishna hare krishna
krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
True Masters of Devotional Service to the Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha-Krishna
Our Exalted Teachers
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Who are you?... Are you your body? Or your mind? Or are you something higher? Do you know who you are, or do you merely think you know? And does it really matter?
Our materialistic society, with its unenlightened leadership, has made it virtually taboo to inquire into our real, higher self. Instead we use our valuable time maintaining, decorating, and pampering the body for its own sake. Might there be an alternative?
The many philosophical conclusions Sriman Mahaprabhu has revealed and preached personally and through Svarapa, the Six Gosvamis, and the Gaudiya guru-varga in regard to determining the object of worship (upasya-tattva) are not subjects that people inimical to bhakti can grasp. He has given the Gaudiyas the instruction to give up unfavorable association in all respects.
Similarly, yoga means to connect two persons: one is the Supreme Lord and the other is the unlimited souls. Because we have forgotten that Supreme Lord, we are greatly suffering. Sometimes we suffer as donkeys, asses, dogs, pigs and so on, and sometimes as demigods; we have passed through all the various species of life.
Sri Krishna is so merciful that, by His causeless mercy, He has now given us this human form. This human form is very temporary however; we do not know when we will die. We are all suffering because we think that we are this body.